Rediscover the power of play, reignite your creativity, and transform your business — at grown-up summer camp!


October 14 - 17, 2024 in Nashville, TN.

October 14 - 17, 2024 in Nashville, TN.

Running your own business is all fun and games… until it’s not.

When I became a business owner in 2014, I poured my EVERYTHING into making it successful. Failure was not going to be an option. I lived and breathed entrepreneurship. I had a lot to learn, and I needed to learn it fast. 

I did everything in the business. I had more time than money at the time, so I worked and worked and worked until my whole identity was working. 

But even after I got some support, I would delegate things, and then just fill my plate with more things until I barely knew who I was. My hobbies consisted of being an entrepreneur and being a small business owner. 🥴

In 2017, I went to Africa with the non-profit that I serve on the board for, and the entrepreneurs I met there were so much more full of life than I felt.

They were lighter, they were fun, they were joyful…they were playing. 

Seeing them make art, play futbol, and dance in the street made me realize that while running a business was something they did, it didn’t make up all of who they were. 

In the western world, our whole world is work, we often forget to play. 

But as entrepreneurs, our best ideas come to us not when we’re sitting behind the screen or pounding away at the keyboard, but rather when we’re dancing, climbing a tree, or swinging at the park… 

Except we’re not doing those things often enough, or for some of us, at all. 



None of us started our businesses with the goal of working a zillion hours a week without a break — yet many of us fall into that pattern without meaning to.

It makes sense, in a way: entrepreneurs have serious drive and a great work ethic.  But taken too far, that can mean long, lonely hours behind your computer; just “checking in” with the business, even when you’re supposed to be on vacation; and feeling like none of your friends or family really “get” what you’re up against as a business owner.

And most business groups and events are focused only on that — business!  It can be hard to find real connection with your peers when you feel like you have to set an agenda for every conversation. 

Worse, you might feel like you don’t even know who you are any more outside your business. (Hobbies? What are those??) You’ve been so all-in with this business, determined to make it work, that maybe you’ve lost sight of what you really want and who you want to be.

That’s because all work and no play make business owners crabby, stressed, anxious — and, yeah, DULL — because there’s nothing to whet their creativity outside the day to day.


  • Struggling to disconnect from your business

  • Longing for real connections with peers beyond business talk

  • Feeling guilty about taking time away for play (and worried it's not valuable to the biz)

  • Stuck in a cycle of overworking

Then you need a way to get away, get some perspective, and get your PLAY on as a way to reach the next level.



When I came back from Africa, I started to commit to myself to become more than just my business again.

I needed to find the Adrienne that used to have hobbies, the one who did things just for fun and not achievement. I tried new things. I got uncomfortable. I resisted the urge to just keep working. I blocked off huge chunks of white space on my calendar every single week to spend “design” time on things that on paper didn’t look like work, but became the best gift I ever gave my business.

  • I played tennis.

  • I read books for pleasure (no non-fiction). 

  • I listened to comedy podcasts. 

  • I went on long walks.

  • I took naps. 

  • I signed up for adult gymnastics classes to relearn how to do a backflip. 

  • I did handstands in the pool (and even did that George Washington thing to my hair that we used to do when we were kids). 

  • I rollerbladed. 

  • I went kayaking. 

  • I traveled for fun, not just business. 

  • I skipped. 

  • I did karaoke (I even bought a karaoke machine for my office just to do it for myself whenever I wanted). 

I had fun. 

I created spaciousness. 

I realized I was more than just a business owner, I was a whole person. 

And by doing all of that… the business grew. I trusted the team when I was away. I spent focused time on the things that were the most important for me to be doing, and then ditched the rest. I became a better leader. I got better ideas. I had the mental space to see the future of the business and not just put out the fires of today. 

When you prioritize play with purpose, you can expect more million-dollar ideas, bigger business growth, better strategies, stronger relationships, and a deeper connection with yourself.

And so, for the first time ever, I’m combining my deep love of all things summer camp with my deep commitment to helping business owners spend more time designing their vision in their business and less time doing the day-to-day. 

The result?


Camp Clockwork is a one-of-a-kind play-with-purpose experience for business owners happening in Nashville, TN. It’s designed to help you get away, get out of your head, and reconnect with your creativity to spark huge growth and improvements in your business. 

We are literally going back to summer camp to feed our inner kiddo and throw fuel on our business fire!

We’re talking camp activities (like archery and kayaking), arts and crafts, deep discussions around the campfire (with s’mores, of course!), t-shirts and friendship bracelets — the whole experience.

But we’re not exactly roughing it. You’ll get a bunk in a climate-controlled group cabin (indoor bathrooms included!) with your new biz besties, get all your meals and snacks taken care of, and we’ll dive in to remembering what it’s like to be a person — not just a business owner.




A quick overview of what you can expect at Camp Clockwork

Monday, October 14th

Arrival, Dinner, and Welcome Campfire

Tuesday, October 15th

Breakfast, Morning Activities, Lunch, Afternoon Activities, Dinner, Evening Activities

Wednesday, October 16th

Breakfast, Morning Activities, Lunch, Afternoon Activities, Dinner, Campfire Closing Ceremonies

Thursday, October 17th

Breakfast, Departure by 11am EST

See the full itinerary here



when you book by September 30, 2024!

Want to get an entire cabin and bring your whole team? 
Email us at and we can make it happen! 


BONUS: $200

Camp is always better with friends!  That’s why we’re offering a “bring your bestie” discount — You can each get $200 off when you register together! 

Send us an email at to let us know who you’re bringing and we’ll give you BOTH a coupon code to get your bestie discount!

Camp Clockwork is generously sponsored by:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Camp is taking place at Camp Widjiwagan in Nashville, TN.
    Located just 20 minutes from the airport, this is the perfect location to escape the city!

  • I wouldn’t say you have to be particularly “adventurous” to join Camp Clockwork — no x-treme sports required! But you do have to be someone who is ready to have fun and get a little bit outside your comfort zone. If you look at the list of activities in the itinerary and are a hard nope for more than 2 or 3, or can’t imagine living the bunk bed life for a couple of days, I’d say this probably isn’t for you.

  • Absolutely! Camp is always more fun with friends. If you want to bring a biz bestie and get the Bestie discount please send us an email at

  • If you want to bring your team you can get an entire cabin for your group! Just click here to send us an email at to let us know, and we’ll get you set up.

  • While we encourage you to block out the full four days, your travel plans are entirely your own, so if you have to leave early or come late that is ok. However, we can’t offer any discounts on camp fees if you have to arrive late or leave early.

  • Be sure to let us know (there’s a place on the form when you register)! The camp kitchen can accommodate the following dietary needs: Gluten and dairy intolerance, vegan or vegetarian, and most allergies except soy. Please note it is not a kosher or halal kitchen.

  • The camp has a very limited number of double or single occupancy rooms, starting at $1800 for double occupancy or $2500 for single occupancy for the four days.
    Please send us an email at if you would like to book one of these rooms. (If you are still seeing this, it means we still have rooms available.)

  • There’s a place on the registration form to indicate if you must have a bottom bunk, and while we’ll do our best to accommodate everyone, this will be first come, first served, by necessity. Please be aware that the standard cabins each have 2-3 stairs in several areas; there are ADA-compliant bathrooms available. Click here to view a 3D rendering of one of the cabins to get a better idea of how they are laid out.

  • Yes! Adrienne will be ziplining, crafting, and campfiring right alongside you the whole time! Mike will be joining us for his Keynote presentation and some camp activities.

  • The majority of our time will be spent playing and relaxing, but there will be topical round tables and breakout sessions for learning, advice, and feedback in a more supportive format.

  • Heck no! Camp is for EVERYONE. Regardless of what industry you’re in, there is a bunk for you at camp!

    Some of my best ideas actually come from colleagues in completely different industries and business models than me, so I can’t wait to be immersed in a new and diverse community!


At Run Like Clockwork, we often talk about how you have two choices: you can keep doing what you’ve been doing, and get the same results you’ve been getting…

…or you can mix it up, try something new, go for the improvement, and experiment to get the results you actually want.

If you’re OK with stagnating creativity, missed growth opportunities, and continued disconnection in your business and life, then maybe an experience like Camp Clockwork isn’t for you.

But if you want a new perspective on your business…

…a lively, fun, one-of-a-kind experience (that’s totally a tax write-off for your biz!)

…a group of new business buddies and a deeper sense of connection and community

…a rockin’ camp t-shirt to wear to all your zoom meetings

…a rejuvenating JOLT of inspiration and creativity to fuel your business growth

Then you need to join us at Camp Clockwork!

And remember: there’s limited availability (only so many bunk beds!) and prices increase the longer you wait!

Hey, if you’ve made it this far, you’re probably thinking about joining us at camp… Here’s why you REALLY need to come!

Invest in yourself and your business today. Join Camp Clockwork for a journey of rediscovery, play, and business transformation. Act now!